Corporate Information

Mejorando cada día nuestros servicios

Tu salud y bienestar, siempre lo primero

Hospitales Universitarios San Roque surge con el propósito de mejorar el bienestar de las personas. Para ello pone a disposición de la sociedad servicios integrales de asistencia sanitaria a través de la tecnología de última generación en los ámbitos de consultas, diagnóstico y hospitalización.

Hospitales Universitarios San Roque posee un sistema de mejora de sus procesos, herramientas y procedimientos que, atendiendo a sus principios de calidad y excelencia, buscan que la experiencia de los pacientes o visitantes a sus centros se defina por la vocación de servicio de sus profesionales y su clara apuesta por la innovación en salud.


La misión de HUSR es proporcionar servicios de salud a la población a través de la tecnología sanitaria de última generación, atendiendo a sus máximas de calidad y excelencia.
En nuestra actividad diaria ponemos a disposición de los clientes nuestro saber hacer, identificándonos con la salud de la personas, mejorando la capacidad de respuesta, evitando barreras físicas y financieras, teniendo un trato cercano y honesto con los pacientes y actuando siempre de manera ética, sostenible y justa, con el fin de lograr la satisfacción del cliente, aumentar la rentabilidad y alcanzar la excelencia.


Aspiramos a seguir siendo líderes entre los centros sanitarios privados de Canarias, a través de estrategias firmes de aumento de dimensión, tecnología puntera y un creciente compromiso con la mejora de la salud. Para ello tenemos que continuar siendo un referente por nuestra calidad sanitaria y equipamiento de última tecnología, reconocido por el esfuerzo en la superación de las expectativas de nuestros clientes, familiares y cuidadores, destacando del resto por nuestro equipo humano de absoluta solvencia y servicio excelente.


Contamos con un modelo basado en la ética y el respeto y situamos a los pacientes en el centro de nuestras actuaciones, entendiendo la sensibilidad del servicio que se les otorga.
Desarrollamos nuestro negocio como líderes en la provisión de servicios en el sector de la sanidad privada, siendo socialmente responsables y estando alineados con las necesidades del cliente, su familia y sus cuidadores, proporcionándoles salud y mejorando su bienestar.

Somos Hospitales Universitarios

Hospitales San Roque logra la acreditación como hospital Universitario desde junio del 2019, pasando a denominarse "Hospitales Universitarios San Roque".

Hospitales San Roque se convirtió así en la primera entidad sanitaria privada de Canarias en obtener la acreditación universitaria de la mano la Universidad Fernando Pessoa Canarias. El procedimiento para la obtención de esta acreditación, conforme a la Orden de 31 de julio de 1987, que establece los requisitos para acreditar esta condición, sobre las bases generales del régimen de conciertos entre las Universidades y las Instituciones sanitarias (Real Decreto 1558/1986, de 28 de junio), se ha desarrollado desde diciembre de 2017 y ha incluido no sólo la presentación de la documentación acreditativa de cada uno de los requisitos conforme a las exigencias del área de Servicio de Formación Especializada de la Consejería de Educación, sino también inspecciones por parte del Servicio de Acreditación y Autorización del Servicio Canario de Salud a ambos hospitales.
Con esta acreditación completa las funciones como sanitarios comprometidos. Además de la asistencia de calidad que ha caracterizado los servicios en estos casi cien años,  también se añaden los esfuerzos a la docencia y la investigación médica. Esta nueva dimensión implica participar en la “formación de estudiantes de pre-grado y postgrado, en las especialidades de Medicina, Enfermería, Farmacia, Nutrición y Dietética así como de otras enseñanzas sanitarias”.
Desde el punto de la vista de la investigación, esta nueva definición de Hospitales Universitarios San Roque tiene especial relevancia por cuanto contribuirá “a la investigación en las ciencias de la salud, coordinando las actividades de las Universidades con las de las Instituciones sanitarias, para una mejor utilización de los recursos humanos y materiales”.

Management team

Mario Rodríguez Rodríguez

Mario Rodríguez Rodríguez

Presidente y Consejero Delegado

Herminia Rodríguez Rosas

Herminia Rodríguez Rosas

Vicepresidenta y Directora Corporativa Clínico Asistencial

Pedro Betancor León

Pedro Betancor León

Asesor Médico del Área Presidencial de Hospitales Universitarios San Roque

José Manuel Baltar Trabazo

José Manuel Baltar Trabazo

Responsable de empresas tecnológicas y adjunto a la presidencia de Hospitales Universitarios San Roque

 Sebastián Sansó Marrero

Sebastián Sansó Marrero

Director General de Hospitales Universitarios San Roque y Director Gerente de HUSR en Maspalomas

Javier Otero Cordeiro

Javier Otero Cordeiro

Director Gerente de Hospitales Universitarios San Roque en Las Palmas

Mercedes Prieto Martínez

Mercedes Prieto Martínez

Directora Médica de Hospitales Universitarios San Roque en Las Palmas

Antonio Acosta Socorro

Antonio Acosta Socorro

Director Médico de Hospitales Universitarios San Roque en Maspalomas

Raju Daryanani Daryanani

Raju Daryanani Daryanani

Subdirector Médico de Hospitales Universitarios San Roque en Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

Risk, security and quality management

Patient safety

Patient safety (PS) understood as the absence of unnecessary harm, whether real or potential, associated to healthcare is carried out in our centres by:

  1. Building a culture of safety, which is part of our strategy, mission, vision, aims, indicators, projects and working method.
  2. Making patient safety one of the basic pillars of healthcare, helping to maintain a culture of safety.
  3. Minimising the risk of adverse events associated to healthcare in all levels of care.
  4. Combining the necessary rationing and cost-containment policies together with a safe and high-quality healthcare environment, thus creating a real combination of safety and efficiency.
  5. Making the most of new technologies in order to reduce possible safety loopholes, minimising the risks associated to healthcare.

Comprehensive management system

The need to maintain our client’s satisfaction, our commitment to guarantee the confidentiality, availability and integrity of the information, as well as the need to comply with current legislation, have prompted Hospitales Universitarios San Roque to implement, maintain and establish a comprehensive management system that combines quality and environmental management, information safety and occupational risk prevention. We consider that regulations are part of our dynamics and excellence and not only an end in itself, and thus, we comply with the main international reference standards.

Quality management - ISO 9001

HUSR is ISO 9001 certified by the Spanish Association for Standardisation (AENOR). This certification recognises our capacity to consistently provide services that meet the needs of our clients and the applicable legislation. We succeed in guaranteeing the continued satisfaction of our patients and we analyse the needs of our internal and external clients through an efficient communication which allows us to broadly develop our work processes, to implement and improve the skills of our team of professionals through training programmes tailored to the needs of their work and to provide them with the necessary resources, as well as to provide services that are safe for our clients and for our employees and the environment.

Environmental management - ISO 14001

HUSR is ISO 14001 certified by the Spanish Association for Standardisation (AENOR), which allows us to systematise, in a simple way, the environmental aspects generated by all of our activities, as well as to promote environmental protection and pollution prevention from a balanced perspective, taking into account socioeconomic aspects. We succeed in ensuring sustainability and protecting the natural environment while complying with the legal requirements applicable to our activities, and especially with the current legislation in environmental matters, as well as other requirements that we have voluntarily undertaken with third parties.

In addition, since 2020 we have The Certificate of Guarantee of Origin. A certification from the National Commission of Markets and Competition (CNMC) that allows HUSR to guarantee that 100% of the energy in our two hospitals comes from renewable generation sources.

This certificate accredits us that we have not emitted CO2 into the atmosphere to generate the electricity we consume and that we have therefore contributed to the process of decarbonisation and the fight against climate change.

QH Accreditation

In 2015, the Hospitales Universitarios San Roque centres in Las Palmas de Gran Canaria and Maspalomas received QH (Quality Healthcare) accreditation from the Institute for the Development and Integration of Healthcare (IDIS), a recognition that values excellence in the quality of care and safety of healthcare organisations. In 2016, Diagnósticos Médicos Especiales also received this accreditation, positioning HUSR's main companies in this accreditation. This accreditation has been renewed by HUSR until today, obtaining the upgrade to QH + 1 star, which confirms the quality and safety of its hospitals.

Tourist quality commitment

The Tourist Quality Commitment label is the support that recognises the effort and commitment to quality and continuous improvement of organisations that comply with the requirements established in the SICTED methodology, a project to improve the quality of tourist destinations promoted by the Secretary of State for Tourism with the support of the Spanish Federation of Municipalities and Provinces (FEMP), which works with tourist companies/services of up to 32 different trades with the ultimate aim of improving the tourist experience and satisfaction through a comprehensive and permanent quality management system in a tourist destination.

National Security Scheme (ENS)

HUSR obtains this certification in the year 2022. It aims to establish the security policy in the use of electronic media within the scope of this Law 39/2015, of October 1, of the Common Administrative Procedure of Public Administrations, and is constituted by the basic principles and minimum requirements that adequately guarantee the security of the information processed.

EQA, Verificador de Ahorro Energético del Sistema CAE

Hospitales Universitarios San Roque refuerza su compromiso con el medios ambiente tras confirmar el resultado favorable del proceso de EMISIÓN de la Declaración de Verificación del Proyecto de Ahorro de Emisiones de CO2, a través de EQA.

EQA es una entidad internacional de certificación, verificación e inspección, con más de 26 años de trayectoria. EQA cumple con los requisitos para actuar como verificador de todo tipo de actuaciones de ahorro dentro del Sistema CAE, conforme a lo establecido en la Disposición Transitoria 2ª de la Orden TED/815/2023.

Data protection

At Hospitales Universitarios San Roque, we promote a culture of accountability and professionalism when dealing with personal information such as the kind of information our team of professionals manages in their daily activity. We ultimately endorse a culture of respect with regard to personal data. We comply with Organic Law 15/1999 of 13 December 1999 on Data Protection in all of our procedures, which has brought considerable benefits to everyone related to our company, offering all guarantees of safety and trust. Some of those benefits are: the ability to project confidence, the capability to implement a culture of quality, the opportunity to set ourselves apart by guaranteeing a strict processing of the data collected and the opportunity to avoid falling in disrepute for receiving a sanction for infringing third-party rights with regard to personal data.

Emergency management

All HUSR centres have a self-protection plan approved by the Government of the Canary Islands. The plan covers a risk analysis, the description of vulnerable elements, prevention and protection measures, as well as the course of action to be taken in case of emergency. Our staff is trained on how to act in case of an emergency and we perform regular drills.

You can view and download the Certificate and Scope, Quality Policies, Environment, Information Security and Occupational Health and Safety.

- Certificates -

- Organizational Policies -

Code of Conduct and Ethics

The purpose of our Code of Ethics and Conduct is to express the principles and basic norms of the corporate culture of Good Governance and Corporate Social Responsibility of Hospitales Universitarios San Roque.

It reflects the corporate values that guide our actions in aspects such as legality, as we comply with all tax, accounting and administrative rules, so that in the decisions we make, we treat employees and customers equally, regardless of their status, race, sex, sexual orientation or disability.

We perform fair operating practices, based on rigor and scientific evidence. We maintain a commitment to quality, having the appropriate certification that characterizes us as the best.

We take into account the opinion of our clients, so that we make regular surveys of knowledge, satisfaction and recognition of improvements, for which we have a specific patient care unit to address these circumstances.

We participate in community activities related to culture and employment promotion, etc. We promote health education activities, through talks, conferences and the promotion of life habits in the heart-healthy environment and responsible nutrition.

If you want to know more about our Code of Ethics, you can see it below:

- Code of Conduct and Ethics -