I am interested in searching...
- Acosta Mérida, Mª Ángeles
- Acosta Socorro, Antonio
- Ajubita Fernández, Héctor
- Alemán, Mª Del Carmen
- Alfredo Stagnaro, Martín
- Almeida Pérez, Néstor
- Alonso, Zoraida
- Alonso Rivero, José M.
- Alvarez Almeida, Camilo
- Amalfi Aguilera, Ernesto
- Angulo Betancor, Lisa
- Antela López, José Carlos
- Arbelo González, José M.
- Aristegui Montero, Paula
- Arjona Mirabal, Marjorie
- Arnás León, Claudia
- Arrocha Fajardo, Moisés
- Arroyo Delgado, Juan María
- Baamonde Laborda, José E.
- Benito Reyes, Virginia
- Benítez Alemán, Sandra
- Benítez Martín, Francisco
- Benítez Quevedo, Marta
- Berjón García, Jennifer
- Betancor León, Pedro
- Betancort Gutierrez, María Dolores
- Bianco Adames, Daniel Nicolás
- Bisshopp Alfonso, Sara
- Bordes Galván, Sara
- Bordes Galván, Elisa
- Brito Corriente, Juan José
- Buceta Cacabelos, Enrique
- Burgos Burgos, Javier A.
- Cabrera Bonilla, Richard
- Cabrera Morales, Francisco
- Cabrera Veloz, Inés
- Cala Mon , José Alfredo
- Campillo Díaz, Juan Carlos
- Cardoso Albarracín, Elena
- Carol Monteagudo, Juan Carlos
- Carrillo García, Tanya
- Castañeda Matto, Tatiana
- Castellano Solanes, Jorge
- Castro González, Elena
- Castro Marrero, Marta
- Celdrán Lorente, Pedro
- Charafardin Plasencia, Hanzal
- Chirino Cabrera , Airam
- Chávez Vega, Yoaxiel
- Cobas Moreno, Osmar
- Conde Gómez, Jorge
- Corzón Garrido, Héctor
- Cutanda Puigvert, Rubén
- Cáceres Alemán, Néstor
- Cárdenes, Daniel José
- Daryanani Daryanani, Raju
- De Castro Moraleja, Rafael Jaime
- De Jesús Geneux, Karina
- De Ramos Díaz, José Luis
- Del Pino Ortega, Orlando
- Delgado López, Francisco
- Distefano, Antonio
- Doebler, Oliver
- Duque Toledo, Francisco
- Díaz Feliz, Lola Josefina
- Díaz Formoso, Javier
- Díaz Morales, Paula
- Estévez Dominguez, Rafael
- Fantozzi, Mauricio Abel
- Fazzolari Mora, Gian Carlo
- Fernández Alsina, Enric
- Fernández Cruz, Williams
- Fernández Jiménez, Juan
- Fernández Ruiz, Claudia
- Fraga Gamoneda, Katia
- Freixinet Gilart, Jorge
- Funtané, Eloi
- Galván González, Francisco
- García, Óscar
- García Aparicio, Tania De Jesús
- García Dumpiérrez, Antonio M.
- García Urquiza, Sergio
- García de Hombre, Alina
- Gil Reyes, Jose Manuel
- Gil Suárez, Felipe
- González Martínez, Silvia
- González Luzardo, William
- González Ponce, Borja
- González Ramos, Jessica
- Granados Rodríguez, Marcos
- Guillén Molina, Santiago
- Gutiérrez Medina, Néstor Mario
- Gómez García de Paso, Arturo
- Gómez Marrero, Julio
- Gómez San-Gil, Gonzalo
- Henríquez Palop, Fernando
- Henríquez de la Fe, Ramón Francisco
- Hernández Nolasco, Marta
- Hernández Ortega, Enrique
- Hernández Ramírez, José Miguel
- Hernández Rangel, Yasmin Elena
- Hernández Rodríguez, Helena
- Hernández Santana, Antonio Francisco
- Hernández de Lorenzo, María Miranda
- Herrera Pérez, Juan
- Herrera Rodríguez, Silvia
- Hortal Cascón, Belén
- Jiménez Díaz, Laura
- Jiménez Gil, Miriam
- Jorge Pérez, Nicolás
- Juárez del Dago Anaya, Pablo
- Kenig, Nitzan
- Kuzior, Agnieszka
- Labrador Vázquez, Blas
- Landin Trujillo, Manuel Tomás
- Lara Jiménez, Pedro
- Ledesma Zapata, Karina
- León Suárez, Isabel
- Llorella, Ricardo
- Luján López, Cristina
- Luzardo Henríquez, Hugo
- López, Jesús
- López Fernández, Juan Carlos
- López Rodríguez, Juan Francisco
- López Suárez, Abel
- López Urquía, Lourdes
- Macías Verde, David
- Maestre Rojas, Roonier Rafael
- Maldonado Saluzzi, Daniel Jose
- Maniscalco Martin, Silvia
- Marcotullio, Antonella
- Margan, Valentín
- Marrero Ramos, Miriam
- Martel Almeida, Efrén
- Martinez Riverol, Yunyor Diego
- Martín Domínguez, María de los Ángeles
- Martín Fuentes, Anthony
- Martín Lorenzo, Pedro
- Martín Roque, Daniel
- Martín Stolz, Joachim
- Martínez Martín, Francisco Javier
- Mathias Gutiérrez, Mª del Pino
- Maya Rodríguez, Fernando
- Mazzei , Giacomo
- Medina Guerra, Cristobal
- Medina Henríquez, José Antonio
- Miranda Fandiño, Sergio
- Miranda García, Cristian
- Miranda Pol, Dayan Felipe
- Mirchandani Jagwani, Jenny
- Mora Burbano, Javier
- Morffi García, Carlos Miguel
- Mota Balibrea, Victoria C.
- Mourad Mohamed , Mutaz
- Murias Henríquez, Carmen
- Murias Rosales, Adolfo
- Muñoz Graña, Purificación
- Márquez Rodríguez, Patricia
- Naranjo Hernández, Antonio
- Naranjo Santana, Pedro Antonio
- Navarro Sánchez, Antonio
- Negrié Morales, Irene
- Ocaña González, Marina
- Ortega Sotolongo, Ilvia Inguer
- Padrón Espinosa, Paula
- Pantaleón Rodriguez, Edwin
- Pedrianes Martín, Pablo
- Perera Romero, Carmen
- Perera Álvarez, Mª del Mar
- Peña Ferrera, Luis
- Piro Mastracchio, Victoria Rosa
- Placeres Gutiérrez , Yeray
- Poggio Rosas, Luis
- Presa Benítez, Francisco
- Prieto Ochoa, Jorge
- Pulido Duque, Juan
- Pérez Candela, Víctor
- Pérez Ojeda, Julia
- Pérez Reyes, Maite
- Queral Cabrera, Raquel
- Ramos Macías, Leticia
- Ramón Valcárcel, Lili
- Ravelo Hernández, Paula
- Reyes Marles , Rafael
- Rico Nodales, Annamay
- Rico Rodríguez, José
- Rivero Cardenes, Alberto
- Rodríguez, Flavia
- Rodríguez Afonso, Rodolfo
- Rodríguez Cabrera, Ivonne
- Rodríguez Hernández, José Enrique
- Rodríguez Menéndez, Dianela
- Rodríguez Pons, Daniel
- Rodríguez Pérez, Carlos
- Rodríguez Rodríguez, Mario
- Rodríguez Rosas, Herminia
- Rodríguez Ulecia, Inmaculada
- Romera García, Elisa
- Rosas Santana, Mª Elena
- Rubí, Carlos
- Saavedra Ojeda, Aída
- Sadarangani Pestana, Airam
- Salgado Guerra, Esmidio
- Santana Lorenzo, Adriana
- Santana López , Pedro
- Santana Marrero, Carla
- Santana Pérez, Carlos
- Santana Suárez, Ana
- Severino Rondón, Wilsa Mercedes
- Silva Garretón, Alejandro
- Silverio Martínez, Eddy
- Soto Darias, Iván
- Suárez Rodríguez, Lidia
- Sánchez García, Ana María
- Sánchez Santana, Ana Yurena
- Sánchez Vilar, Carlos
- Tellez Uzcategui , Ramón Eduardo
- Toro Castillo, David
- Torrubia Alemán, Mariano Luis
- Uzcategui, Nanci
- Valdés Acosta, Osvaldo
- Valerón Hernández-Abad, Dámaso
- Varela Valdés, Arcides Abraham
- Vargas Marín, Claudia Patricia
- Vargas Trujillo, Andrés
- Vega Benítez, Víctor
- Vera Elzo, Tania
- Verlato, Silvia
- Vicente Rubio, Elena
- Watek, Igor
- Wills Villarraga, Diana
- Yauri Quinto, Pablo
- Yi Chang Lee, Woo
- Zhou, Dajie
- de la Rosa Sánchez, Daniel
- de los Ángeles Salazar González, Nacarid
- Las Palmas de G.C.
- Maspalomas
- Vecindario
- Lanzarote
- Las Palmas (Paseo La Cornisa)
- Cabo Verde
- Aesthetic , Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
- Aesthetic Medicine
- Allergology
- Anatomical Pathology and Cytology
- Anesthesiology and Critical Care
- Angiology and Vascular Surgery
- Breast Cancer Surgery
- Cardiac Imaging Unit
- Cardiology
- Clinical Analysis
- Coloproctology Unit
- COVID-19 Diagnostic Testing Unit
- Day Unit (Chemotherapy)
- Dementia Diagnosis and Monitoring Unit
- Dentistry
- Dermatology
- Diagnostic Imaging Test (Radiology)
- Digestive endoscopy
- Digestive System
- Early Detection Of Skin Cancer Unit
- Endocrinology
- Functional Hip Unit
- General and Family Medicine
- General Surgery and Digestive System
- Genetics and Molecular Biology Laboratory
- Gynecology and Obstetrics
- Haematology
- Haemodialysis
- Haemodynamics
- Heart Surgery
- Hereditary Cancer and Genetic Counseling Unit
- Hospital Emergencies
- Infectious diseases
- Intensive Care
- Internal Medicine
- Lithotripsy Unit
- Lung Cancer Prevention, Early Diagnosis and Treatment Unit
- Mayor Outpatient Surgery
- Medical Check Ups
- Medical Oncology
- Microbiology
- Nephrology
- Neurology
- Neurophysiology
- Neurosurgery
- Nuclear Medicine
- Nutrition and Dietetics
- Ophthalmology
- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
- Otolaryngology
- Overweight and obesity unit
- Paediatric Emergencies
- Paediatric Nephrology
- Paediatrics
- Pain Unit
- Parkinson's and Movement Disorders Unit
- Pelvic Floor Unit
- Pharmacy
- Physical medicine and rehabilitation
- null
- null
- null
- Pneumology
- Psychiatry
- Psychology
- Radiation Oncology
- Rheumatology
- Sleep Disorders Unit
- Speech therapy
- Thoracic Surgery
- Traffic Accident Injury Unit
- Traumatology and Orthopaedic Surgery
- Urology
- Vascular and Interventional Radiology
- No hay resultados
Featured Units
Created especially for oncology patients, it focuses on offering fast, comprehensive and tailor-made treatment based on a new concept that revolves around the patient and the humanization of the process.
Our facilities offer the most advanced robotic surgery to provide greater precision and faster recovery to our patients.
To make you feel good inside and out through a wide variety of aesthetic medicine, dermatology and vascular surgery services.
El arte de vivir
Lucrecia, Ginés, and Pedro, real patients of San Roque University Hospitals, have shared their stories of overcoming challenges and resilience. While speaking with us, we conducted an emotional study from which we obtained a clear response: Trust in our medical teams and the care received are essential in the recovery process of our patients.
Our centres
Centres dedicated to your health and well-being